Comprehensive provider-network data for care navigation and decision support
Sourcing, standardizing and maintaining accurate provider data is expensive and time-consuming.
IdeonSelect provides the industry’s most complete, accurate, and scalable provider-network data for leading healthcare tech platforms.
5K provider networks and 8.5M+ NPIs
IdeonSelect covers all major markets, eliminating the painful process of aggregating data across hundreds of sources.
99.999% accuracy rate for provider data
IdeonSelect has the most accurate provider-network directory with less than 1 error per 5M provider searches, preventing costly out-of-network issues.
Modern, scalable API infrastructure
IdeonSelect supports millions of provider-network searches per month – 9M per month on average during the 2024 open enrollment period.
Ideon powers intelligent decision support and provider search experiences
Accurate, normalized data delivered via API
Healthcare technology companies use Ideon’s high-quality, accurate datasets to bring transparency and guidance to the confusing world of health insurance and employee benefits.
Comprehensive provider-network data
Ideon maintains the industry’s most comprehensive set of provider-network data, with details on which doctors and facilities participate in each network.
Formulary data
Ideon’s formulary data helps consumers understand which drugs are covered by their health plan and at what tier level.
Lines of coverage
Ideon supports data for multiple lines of coverage, including employer group, individual under 65, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, and Dental.
IdeonSelect provides comprehensive provider-network data for leading healthcare tech platforms
State-based ACA exchanges, insurance quoting platforms and other technology solutions leverage Ideon to offer users “shop-by-doc,” an enhanced, provider-centric plan selection experience.
Benefits administration
Becoming a year-round destination is a priority for benefits technology platforms. Ideon’s APIs empower employees to make smarter decisions during initial enrollment and throughout the year.
Ideon has the APIs to fuel all phases of the ICHRA decision process, from employer decision support (including affordability calculations) to employee shopping and decision support.
Digital health
From healthcare navigation and telehealth platforms to doctor appointment apps, Ideon enables digital health companies to seamlessly add insurance elements to their user experiences.
Access accurate provider data. Enable smarter decisions.
Ready to take the next step?